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Unlocking God’s Masterplan: Israel and the Great Commission

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)

In the vast narrative of God’s redemptive plan, the Great Commission stands as a luminous guide, illuminating the Church’s purpose in this age. Jesus’ directive to make disciples of all nations holds a profound connection with Israel, revealing the intricate interplay between God’s promises to the Jewish people and His global redemptive plan.

Historical Perspective:
Centuries of belief that God had concluded His special plans for the Jewish people were shaken in the 20th century. The Holocaust and the miraculous rebirth of the State of Israel ignited worldwide debates, placing Israel at the center of attention. The Church grappled with integrating Israel into the Great Commission, oscillating between viewing it as a relic of the past or recognizing a crucial role in God’s overarching plan.

Understanding Israel in the Great Commission:
Integrating Israel into the Great Commission requires delving into Old and New Testament passages, linking the two seamlessly. The Great Commission is not a departure from Israel’s story but a continuation—an integral part of God’s ongoing work to save people. The mission to all nations is a continuation of God’s plan, encompassing both Israel and the rest of the world.

A Unique Opportunity:
This epoch presents a unique opportunity. We are the first generation with the potential to fulfill the Great Commission’s global outreach. Technological advancements empower us to reach every people group with the gospel—a feat unimaginable just a century ago.

Beyond Evangelism:
The Great Commission transcends mere evangelism. Its essence lies in making disciples, teaching people worldwide to follow Jesus’ commands. The goal extends beyond reaching every corner of the earth; it involves preparing the world for Jesus’ return, ensuring that every tribe and tongue has embraced salvation.

Two Prophetic Signs:
Two signs precede Christ’s return: the salvation of every people group and a global concern for Jerusalem and the rescue of Israel. In this unprecedented era, we witness the potential fulfillment of these signs, and the Church, tasked with the Great Commission, plays a pivotal role in ushering in these prophetic events.

Historical Misunderstandings:
To grasp the gravity of the situation, we must unravel the historical misunderstandings surrounding the Great Commission and Israel’s ongoing election. The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the rise of Dispensationalism significantly influenced the Church’s perception of Israel.

Dispensationalism’s Impact:
Dispensationalism, a theological framework popularized in the 1800s, exacerbated the division between Israel and the Church. It posited two distinct groups with separate salvation plans—one for Israel and another for the Church. Yet, the Great Commission and Israel are not mutually exclusive; they are integral components of God’s unified purpose.

Missional Focus on Israel:
Israel, often viewed as a political issue, demands a missional lens—one that recognizes its role in God’s redemptive plan and actively engages in bringing the gospel to the Jewish people. Despite having a significant Christian presence, Israel remains largely unreached. The Great Commission, when viewed through a biblical lens, places Israel at the forefront of our global mission.

Embracing the Divine Charge:
In the words of the apostle Paul, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God to save everyone who believes, both Jews and Greeks” (Romans 1:16, ESV). Let us embrace this divine charge with renewed understanding, recognizing that the Great Commission binds together God’s promises to Israel and the nations. In doing so, we actively participate in God’s grand design to redeem and reconcile all peoples to Himself.

A.F.O.S.O.M., an anonymous contributor, involve with MFAM, helping Unreached People Group (Southeast Asia) Believers be connected with other authentic believers and helping to strengthen their faith. A.F.O.S.O.M transitioned from Islam to Christianity when he was 16, he attends a Singapore charismatic church, and writes for ‘Beholding Messiah‘ blog.

This article is my personal notes that I read from the book “Israel and the Great Commission—How the Great Commission Fulfills God’s Purpose for Israel and the Nations” by Samuel Whitefield.

Find out more about A.F.O.S.O.M here.

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