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Anticipating Glory: The Revelation of Jesus and His Radiant Church

"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His servants the things that must soon take place." (Revelation 1:1)

In the grand narrative of God’s divine plan, the arrival of Jesus stands as an unparalleled revelation, offering profound insights into the identity of God. The incarnation and its surrounding events served as the ultimate revelation of God in that era, yet it wasn’t the culmination of His plan. The events accompanying Jesus’ return at the end of this age are described as the “revelation” of Jesus.

The term used for revelation is “apokalypsis,” signifying an unveiling. Contrary to popular belief, an apocalypse isn’t merely a catastrophic event; it’s the revealing of a person or thing. The culmination of this age will be an unveiling of Jesus, signifying that God has more to reveal about His Son.

When contemplating the end of the age, our focus often gravitates towards apocalyptic scenarios and judgments. Yet, these dramatic events serve a specific purpose—they set the stage for the unveiling of Jesus.

Waiting for the Unveiling
1 Corinthians 1:7 encourages believers to wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, emphasizing the anticipation of this unveiling. Similarly, 2 Thessalonians 1:7 speaks of relief at the revelation of Jesus, while 1 Peter 1:7 underscores the tested genuineness of faith resulting in praise at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

This unveiling isn’t confined to Jesus alone; it extends to His people. Romans 8:18–19 portrays creation eagerly longing for the revealing of the sons of God. This unveiling begins before Jesus’ return, reaching its climax as believers marvel at His majesty.

The Dual Apocalypse
The apostles consistently linked the revelation of Jesus with the unveiling of a glorious people at the end of the age. The end-time unveiling of God’s people is pivotal, with creation and the Holy Spirit groaning in anticipation.

As we await Jesus’ return, we should be actively preparing for the revelation of God’s people. Discipleship plays a crucial role in this process. Romans 8:29 promises a transformation of believers’ bodies to be like His glorious body, affirming that this age is God’s stage for glorifying the Head and producing a glorified body.

The Hope of the Gospel
The hope of the gospel isn’t merely forgiveness and a heavenly retirement; it’s the anticipation of being part of a majestic, corporate people presented to Christ as the reward for His sacrifice.

Colossians 1 underscores Paul’s divine stewardship to make God’s intentions known. The mystery hidden for ages is now revealed—the glory of Christ in His people, the hope of glory. Discipleship, marked by wisdom, aims to present everyone mature in Christ at His return.

In Ephesians 4:11–13, the ministry gifts in the church exist until it attains full maturity, measured by the fullness of Christ. This underscores God’s plan to mature a corporate people, presenting them to Jesus at the end of the age.

The Glorious Culmination
Revelation 19 paints a vivid picture of the marriage of the Lamb, where the Bride, adorned with the righteous deeds of the saints, makes herself ready. The angels rejoice at the compatibility of God’s redeemed people, marveling at the transformation from rebellion to compatibility.

This age concludes when God’s people, the Bride, are ready to be joined to Him and clothed in His glory. Longing for Jesus’ return isn’t just about understanding timelines; it’s a life marked by desire and intentional preparation for companionship with Him.

Conclusion: A Glorious Future Awaits
In conclusion, the end-time revelation isn’t confined to Jesus alone; it extends to His people. God’s plan is to present a glorious church, a compatible companion, to His Son. Understanding this purpose fuels our discipleship efforts, prompting us to actively engage in the process of becoming a mature and glorious people. As we eagerly await the day of His appearing, may we, like Paul, labor with confidence in God’s plan to present a glorious church to Himself. The unveiling of God’s masterstroke is a journey worth anticipating and actively participating in.

A.F.O.S.O.M., an anonymous contributor, involve with MFAM, helping Unreached People Group (Southeast Asia) Believers be connected with other authentic believers and helping to strengthen their faith. A.F.O.S.O.M transitioned from Islam to Christianity when he was 16, he attends a Singapore charismatic church, and writes for ‘Beholding Messiah‘ blog.

This article is my personal notes that I read from the book “What do God wants?” by Samuel Whitefield.

Find out more about A.F.O.S.O.M here.

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