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A Discipleship Journey in Active Alignment with God’s Design

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." - 1 Corinthians 2:2

In the dynamic canvas of our lives, it’s easy to overlook the grand purpose that God has intricately placed within this age. As disciples of Christ, it’s crucial to actively align our lives with God’s primary intentions for this epoch, understanding that every twist and turn serves a greater plan.

God’s Purpose Unveiled:
Contrary to the chaos and seeming randomness around us, this age is not a haphazard experiment. God, the divine orchestrator of history, has predetermined its course. Even in the face of evil’s disruptive forces, God’s agenda remains unscathed. Every trial, every rebellion, even the fall of man, plays a role in advancing God’s grand design.

Discipleship, then, is not a mere adherence to rules or a passive absorption of information. It is an active participation in God’s agenda. To grasp the essence of discipleship, one must comprehend the twin purposes of this age:

  1. Revealing God through Jesus: This age is a divine classroom where God unfolds Himself through the person of Jesus. It’s not just about acquiring information; it’s about experiencing God in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. From the joyous peaks to the painful valleys, each emotion and experience serves as a window into the character of God.

  2. Forming a Transformed People: God intends to shape a people who mirror His image. Discipleship, therefore, goes beyond acquiring knowledge; it is a transformative journey. It’s about imitating Jesus, adopting His lifestyle, and sharing in both His joys and pains. If our discipleship programs fall short of this, we risk breeding hypocrisy, creating disciples who are well-versed in God’s facts but strangers to His heart.

The Immersive Classroom of Life:
Life, in all its facets, is God’s immersive classroom. Our encounters with pleasure and pain, success and failure, are intentional invitations to know God intimately. The knowledge of God is not confined to sermons; it’s found in the very components of our existence.

In our pursuit of God’s knowledge, we often overlook the simple, the mundane. Yet, it’s in these ordinary experiences that God reveals Himself most intimately. God is not a distant force; He’s intricately close, veiled in the everyday joys and sorrows that make up our lives.

Transformative Discipleship:
Discipleship, then, isn’t a checklist of moral codes or a pursuit of mere information. It’s about growing in imitation, living a life that mirrors Jesus. Pain, often viewed as an unwelcome guest, becomes a classroom for knowing God deeply. God, who has endured profound pain, invites us to share in His sufferings, deepening our intimacy with Him.

As disciples, our goal is to align ourselves with God’s purposes for this age. The knowledge of God, revealed through Jesus, and the transformation into His image should be the guiding stars of our discipleship journey.

Building in Alignment:
Much like a builder needs plans to construct a solid edifice, disciples need to align themselves with God’s blueprint. The church, described as Jesus’ bride, is God’s gift to His Son. Our discipleship efforts should be geared towards preparing a mature, faithful, and passionate bride for Jesus.

The revelation of the end-time church is a vital yet often overlooked sign. Our understanding of the church needs a paradigm shift. God has committed to presenting Jesus with a radiant and mature bride, a gift befitting His sacrifice.

In the hustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s overarching purpose for this age. Discipleship, then, is a deliberate journey of aligning ourselves with God’s agenda. It’s not a passive accumulation of information but an active participation in God’s grand design. Let’s reevaluate our discipleship approach, ensuring it mirrors God’s two-fold purpose: revealing Himself through Jesus and transforming us into His image.

As we grasp the significance of God’s immersive classroom, let’s not miss the divine lessons in the ordinary. Our deepest joys and most profound pains are gateways to knowing God intimately. May our discipleship efforts go beyond information and morality, leading us to a life of imitation and transformation into the image of Jesus.

In this journey, let’s build with intention, preparing a glorious bride for Jesus. The end-time church, a radiant and mature companion, is God’s promise and our discipleship goal. Align your life with God’s purpose, for in doing so, you unlock the transformative power of discipleship.

A.F.O.S.O.M., an anonymous contributor, involve with MFAM, helping Unreached People Group (Southeast Asia) Believers be connected with other authentic believers and helping to strengthen their faith. A.F.O.S.O.M transitioned from Islam to Christianity when he was 16, he attends a Singapore charismatic church, and writes for ‘Beholding Messiah‘ blog.

This article is my personal notes that I read from the book “What does God wants?” by Samuel Whitefield.

Find out more about A.F.O.S.O.M here.

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