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What is True Greatness? The Remarkable Legacy of John the Baptist

"Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." - Matthew 11:11

In the intricate realm of biblical figures, John the Baptist emerges as a captivating enigma. Commonly misrepresented as a disheveled hermit, John’s narrative, as unfolded in Scripture, paints a different picture—one of intentionality and divine purpose.

Gabriel’s Proclamation: The Prelude to Greatness
John’s story begins with an extraordinary announcement from the archangel Gabriel, a celestial messenger who proclaimed the births of both Jesus and John. Gabriel’s sparing appearances in Scripture underscore the significance of John’s role in the grand narrative. The fact that he predicted only two births—those of Jesus and John—speaks volumes about the magnitude of their destinies.

John emerges as the inaugural herald of the New Testament, inaugurating the gospel era. His preaching, as documented in Mark 1:1–4, is recognized as the commencement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Luke 3:18, John’s ministry is explicitly referred to as gospel preaching, emphasizing its foundational nature for understanding the message of Jesus.

Moreover, John holds the unique distinction of being the first “sent” messenger in the New Testament, paving the way for the apostles who would follow. The use of the term “sent” (ἀποστέλλω, apostéllō) links John to the concept of apostleship, symbolizing a transition to a new phase of proclamation and expectation.

A Prophetic Hinge: John’s Unique Role
John’s significance lies in his role as a prophetic hinge, bridging the gap between the Old and New Testaments. Matthew 11:13 characterizes him as part of a transition, not the culmination of prophecy but the initiation of a new era. His mission was not to add to biblical prophecy but to boldly proclaim the fulfillment of the Scriptures in the person of Jesus Christ.

No Man Was Greater: Jesus’ Unprecedented Appraisal
The unparalleled assessment of John by Jesus further underscores his exceptional standing. In a culture where Jesus often veiled his identity, he submitted to John’s baptism, publicly acknowledging him and his message. Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:11 resonate as a profound accolade, affirming that among those born of women, none had surpassed John in greatness.

This evaluation challenges conventional notions of greatness. It surpasses figures like Job, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Ruth, David, Elijah, Daniel, Esther, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Despite the brevity of John’s ministry and the absence of miracles or national leadership, Jesus identifies him as the pinnacle of human greatness.

The Least in the Kingdom: An Elevated Privilege
The second half of Matthew 11:11 introduces a fascinating paradox, stating that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John. This does not diminish John’s greatness but highlights the unparalleled privilege of those who experience the ministry of Jesus post-resurrection. It signifies the superior advantage of access to Jesus and life in the Spirit.

Jesus’ assertion of the supremacy of his ministry over John’s isn’t an expression of insecurity but a clarification for a society that held John in high esteem. Even the historian Josephus attested to the profound influence John wielded over the masses. Jesus needed to differentiate his ministry, emphasizing that while John was undoubtedly great, something greater had arrived—the arrival of Jesus and access to a new dimension of divine revelation.

Conclusion: Revisiting Greatness through John’s Lens
In concluding our exploration of John the Baptist’s uncommon greatness, it becomes evident that true significance, in the eyes of Jesus, lies not in the conventional markers of success. John’s greatness emanated from his unwavering commitment to proclaiming the Scriptures and preparing the way for the Messiah.

As we navigate our own journeys, let us reconsider the metrics by which we measure greatness. John’s life challenges us to align our pursuits with the divine perspective, recognizing that true greatness is found in fulfilling our God-given purpose, even if it defies societal expectations. In embracing this paradigm shift, we may discover a depth of purpose and significance that transcends the ordinary, echoing the resounding truth that greatness, in its purest form, aligns with the will of the Divine.


A.F.O.S.O.M., an anonymous contributor, involve with MFAM, helping Unreached People Group (Southeast Asia) Believers be connected with other authentic believers and helping to strengthen their faith. A.F.O.S.O.M transitioned from Islam to Christianity when he was 16, he attends a Singapore charismatic church, and writes for ‘Beholding Messiah‘ blog.

This article is my personal notes that I read from the book “Will you choose the wilderness?” by Samuel Whitefield.

Find out more about A.F.O.S.O.M here.

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