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Unveiling God’s Profound Desires: Exploring His Cosmic Plan

"We have prayed for you since we heard, requesting that you may discern his will in all spiritual wisdom and insight." - Colossians 1:9 -

In the grand design of creation, a profound truth emerges, transcending mere necessity. Colossians 1 reveals that the genesis of the universe is not a result of obligation but stems from God’s deep desire. The apostle Paul, in a resounding portrayal of Jesus’ glory, unravels God’s plan for creation and humanity.

Prayer as a Constant Guiding Force
Paul’s prayer for the Colossians resonates through the verses, an ongoing plea for spiritual wisdom and understanding. The prayer is not a generic wish but a fervent desire for the church to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. This will, Paul asserts, is not a mere set of rules but a profound revelation of God’s desires, aspirations that birthed the cosmos.

God’s Will: Beyond Regulations
God’s will, as Paul illuminates, is not confined to a set of regulations but encompasses a divine desire that orchestrated the universe. Understanding this desire becomes the compass for a life lived wisely. It’s not just about following Jesus; it’s about aligning with God’s will to experience transformative change.

The Sevenfold Impact of Knowing God’s Will
Paul’s prayer is meticulous, focusing on the transformative impact of understanding God’s will. It’s about walking worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit in good works, increasing in knowledge, being strengthened with divine power, enduring with joy, and offering thanks to the Father. The crux lies in living in accordance with God’s aims, avoiding the pitfalls of a godless life.

Decoding God’s Cosmic Objectives
While many view God’s will through the lens of decisions and moral bounds, Paul seeks to unveil a broader reality. God’s will, he asserts, extends to cosmic objectives and the purpose behind the creation of the universe and humanity. It’s not just about individual decisions but understanding why God fashioned the cosmos and what His deep desires are.

God’s Desire: Creation as a Stage
The revelation lies in a simple yet profound statement – “All things were created through him and for him.” The cosmos, with all its intricacies, is a stage set for Jesus. God’s desire for recognition led to the creation of the universe, not out of necessity but out of a desire to be known and appreciated.

The Paradox of Revolt: A Revelation Strategy
The paradox is unveiled – the rebellion in this age, driven by antagonism to God’s will, becomes a vital part of God’s purpose. The revolt, though causing damage, becomes the stage for God’s deepest qualities to be revealed. It is through Jesus’ suffering on the cross that God’s true nature is laid bare for all to see.

Jesus’ Crucifixion: God’s Ultimate Self-Revelation
The celestial beings, in awe of God’s revelation in Jesus’ suffering, cry out, “Holy, holy, holy!” The majesty of God was evident before, but it’s in the crucifixion that His humility, love, and selflessness shine forth. The suffering God on the cross becomes the most complete revelation of who God is and what makes Him special.

The Call to Seek God’s Ultimate Self-Revelation
Paul’s life becomes a model, epitomizing a singular focus on “Jesus Christ and him crucified.” In a world inundated with distractions, the call is to prioritize God’s costly revelation in Jesus’ suffering. It’s not just information; it’s an invitation to become like Christ.

Conclusion: Embracing God’s Desire for Recognition
In a world grappling with decisions and uncertainties, the key lies not just in seeking guidance for individual choices but in understanding God’s cosmic objectives. God, in His profound desire to be known, orchestrated the universe. The cosmic stage is set, and the revelation is clear – in Jesus and His crucifixion, God unveils His deepest qualities. As Paul ardently sought, let us too choose to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified, for in that revelation lies the transformation of our lives and the fulfillment of God’s ultimate desire for recognition.

A.F.O.S.O.M., an anonymous contributor, involve with MFAM, helping Unreached People Group (Southeast Asia) Believers be connected with other authentic believers and helping to strengthen their faith. A.F.O.S.O.M transitioned from Islam to Christianity when he was 16, he attends a Singapore charismatic church, and writes for ‘Beholding Messiah‘ blog.

This article is my personal notes that I read from the book “What does God wants?” by Samuel Whitefield.

Find out more about A.F.O.S.O.M here.

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